Remember Your Why

The real work of a job search arrives when it’s quiet. When the last kid to leave boards the bus to school in the morning, leaving your house empty, and still, following a bustling, noisy summer. The trash is taken out, the laundry is washed, the counters are clean; all the “to do’s” are done. This moment, this quiet, is when the self doubt creeps in and the real work begins. Remembering your “why” of what you do, who you are, and your value is key to staying positive and motivated in your search. Self doubt can infiltrate moments where we should be confident or moments where we just should be quiet and relaxed. So how do we cast off the blanket of self doubt and comfort ourselves in our own “why” and confidence?

Remember a Success

If you’re in a search for a new role, the moments in between an interview, a callback, or positive returned email can sometimes trick you into thinking that those events will never happen again. We tend to confine success into a finite, allocated “amount.” We may think that once our “vessel of success” is used, it’s empty. Success is not a straight line or specific amount of sand shoved in a glass bottle. Success is a weaving, ever-curving path and true success is walking that path to see what’s next, trusting in our past achievements to take us forward to what’s next. Tap into your past memories and move forward through these quick steps:

  • Remember. Trust yourself to delve into the quiet by writing down 4-5 past accomplishments. Recollecting positive moments that your expertise championed recalls your footsteps. Listen to a short playlist or set a timer for 15 minutes to keep you on track.

  • Move. Get up, get out, get moving. If it’s not possible to leave your office or home, simple stretches and deep, focused breathing can help you recirculate your mood.

  • Reframe. The companies that you worked for in the past hired you for specific reasons. Tap into remembering why you were hired and write this down. You can’t control the outcome of company decisions, failures, or the financial market of today…but you can control remembering why you were hired in the past. Write down what made you the candidate who got the job.

Trust the Space

When we are in our wanderspace of “what’s next,” or interviewing in moments of vulnerability, we can forget the very essence of why we were the selected candidate in the past. Trust this space to remember your “why.” Intentionally recalling and actively noting past successes is similar to using Google Maps to get you where you need to go even when you know you don’t need it. Sometimes it’s helpful to have an aid in direction guiding us in the background. Allowing yourself the time and indulgence to write down these memories allows you to have them more at the ready in your heart and your expression.

Standing and walking in your space of unknown is a moment of courage and another trail marker along your path. Whatever step you take today, however big or small, is one step towards bringing your past “why” to your next “what may be.” The work you did mattered—it mattered yesterday, it mattered six months ago, and it certainly matters today and will tomorrow. You can navigate to What’s Next, one step at at time—and I’m always here to help!


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Staying Focused